따끈따끈한 리뷰 ㅎㅎ 어제 약속이 있어서 갔던 901 Hot Pot & Korean BBQ 한국으로 치면 샤부샤부와 구이 집 생긴 지 얼마 안 된 것 같은데 사람들이 꽉 차 있었다. 밥 다 먹고 나갈 때 웨이팅도 있고 핫플레이스였다. I'd be happy to provide a fresh review! Yesterday, I went to 901 Hot Pot & Korean BBQ, which would be similar to a shabu-shabu and grilled meat restaurant in Korea. It seems like it hasn't been around for very long, but it was packed with people. By the time I finish..